
ただし、各エッジの重みは0以上(通ることでコストが下がる経路は存在しない) とする。

※ 負の重みを持つ場合、グラフが有向グラフであればベルマンフォード法を適用できる。


以下のグラフにおいて A から各ノードへの最短経路を求める。




変数 内容 初期値
shortest_weight 現時点で判明している」A から各ノードまでの最短距離を保持する辞書 $\infty$
shortest_path 現時点で判明している」A から各ノードまでの最短パスを保持する辞書 null
n_last_fix 最新ステップで最短経路が確定したノード null


shortest_weight = {
    'A': float('inf'),
    'B': float('inf'),
    'F': float('inf')

shortest_path = {
    'A': None,
    'B': None,
    'F': None

n_last_fix = None


スタート地点 A 自身までの最短距離が0であるのは明らかなので、A までの最短距離と経路を確定させる:

  • shortest_weight['A'] = 0 (Fix)
  • shortest_path['A'] = ['A'] (Fix)
  • n_last_fix = 'A'


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # fixed
    'B': float('inf'),
    'C': float('inf'),
    'D': float('inf'),
    'E': float('inf'),
    'F': float('inf')

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],         # fixed
    'B': None,
    'C': None,
    'D': None,
    'E': None,
    'F': None

n_last_fix = 'A'  # updated


最短経路が未確定のノードのうち、n_last_fix の隣接ノード n_next それぞれについて、以下のルールで shortest_weight, shortest_path を更新する

  • $d_\mathrm{old}$:現時点でわかっているスタートからそのノードまでの最短距離 shortest_weight[n_next]
  • $d_\mathrm{new}$:以下の2つの和
    • 確定済みの n_last_fix までの最短距離shortest_weight[n_last_fix]
    • n_last_fix から n_next までの距離
  • $d_\mathrm{new} \lt d_\mathrm{old}$ なら最短距離・最短経路を更新:
    • shortest_weight[n_next] = d_new
    • shortest_path[n_next] = shortest_path[n_last_fix] + n_next
shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # (fixed)
    'B': 7,             # updated
    'C': 4,             # updated
    'D': 2,             # updated
    'E': float('inf'),
    'F': float('inf')

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],         # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'B'],    # updated
    'C': ['A', 'C'],    # updated
    'D': ['A', 'D'],    # updated
    'E': None,
    'F': None

n_last_fix = 'A'


最短経路が未確定のノードを全て見て、現時点の距離が一番小さいノードの距離と経路を fix他のルート経由では、絶対にこれより長くなる

今回の例だと shortest_weight['D'] の2が最小なので D を fix。
よって n_last_fix = 'D'


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # (fixed)
    'B': 7,
    'C': 4,
    'D': 2,             # (fixed)
    'E': float('inf'),
    'F': float('inf')

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],         # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'B'],
    'C': ['A', 'C'],
    'D': ['A', 'D'],    # (fixed)
    'E': None,
    'F': None

n_last_fix = 'D'  # updated


n_last_fix が更新されなくなるまで2,3を繰り返す。


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,              # (fixed)
    'B': 7,
    'C': 4,              # [1]not updated --> [2]fixed
    'D': 2,              # (fixed)
    'E': float('inf'),
    'F': 8               # [1]updated

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],          # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'B'],
    'C': ['A', 'C'],     # [1]not updated --> [2]fixed
    'D': ['A', 'D'],     # (fixed)
    'E': None,
    'F': ['A', 'D', 'F'] # [1]updated
n_last_fix = 'C'  # updated


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # (fixed)
    'B': 6,             # [1]updated --> [2]fixed
    'C': 4,             # (fixed)
    'D': 2,             # (fixed)
    'E': float('inf'),
    'F': 6              # updated

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],           # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'C', 'B'], # [1]updated --> [2]fixed
    'C': ['A', 'C'],      # (fixed)
    'D': ['A', 'D'],      # (fixed)
    'E': None,
    'F': ['A', 'C', 'F']  # [1]updated

# B, F は最短距離が同じなので、どちらを先に fix しても良い. ここでは B を選択
n_last_fix = 'B'  # updated


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # (fixed)
    'B': 6,             # (fixed)
    'C': 4,             # (fixed)
    'D': 2,             # (fixed)
    'E': 12,            # [1]updated
    'F': 6              # [1]not updated --> [2]fixed

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],                # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'C', 'B'],      # (fixed)
    'C': ['A', 'C'],           # (fixed)
    'D': ['A', 'D'],           # (fixed)
    'E': ['A', 'C', 'B', 'E'], # [1]updated
    'F': ['A', 'C', 'F']       # [1]not updated --> [2]fixed

n_last_fix = 'F'  # updated


shortest_weight = {
    'A': 0,             # (fixed)
    'B': 6,             # (fixed)
    'C': 4,             # (fixed)
    'D': 2,             # (fixed)
    'E': 10,            # [1]updated --> [2]fixed
    'F': 6              # (fixed)

shortest_path = {
    'A': ['A'],                # (fixed)
    'B': ['A', 'C', 'B'],      # (fixed)
    'C': ['A', 'C'],           # (fixed)
    'D': ['A', 'D'],           # (fixed)
    'E': ['A', 'C', 'F', 'E'], # [1]updated --> [2]fixed
    'F': ['A', 'C', 'F']       # (fixed)

n_last_fix = 'E'  # updated

→ 全てのノードが fix され、これ以降は繰り返しても n_last_fix は更新されない。
→ このときのshortest_pathshortest_weightが、求める最短経路とその重み。




Graph gv

>>> dijkstra(graph, 'A')
from A to A: weight=0, path=['A']
from A to B: weight=6, path=['A', 'C', 'B']
from A to C: weight=4, path=['A', 'C']
from A to D: weight=2, path=['A', 'D']
from A to E: weight=10, path=['A', 'C', 'F', 'E']
from A to F: weight=6, path=['A', 'C', 'F']

>>> dijkstra(graph, 'C')
from C to A: weight=4, path=['C', 'A']
from C to B: weight=2, path=['C', 'B']
from C to C: weight=0, path=['C']
from C to D: weight=3, path=['C', 'D']
from C to E: weight=6, path=['C', 'F', 'E']
from C to F: weight=2, path=['C', 'F']



graph = {
    # from, to, weight
    ('A', 'B', 5),
    ('A', 'C', 4),
    ('A', 'D', 2),
    ('B', 'E', 6),
    ('B', 'F', 7),
    ('C', 'G', 3),
    ('C', 'H', 2)
>>> dijkstra(graph, 'A')
from A to A: weight=0, path=['A']
from A to B: weight=5, path=['A', 'B']
from A to C: weight=4, path=['A', 'C']
from A to D: weight=2, path=['A', 'D']
from A to E: weight=11, path=['A', 'B', 'E']
from A to F: weight=12, path=['A', 'B', 'F']
from A to G: weight=7, path=['A', 'C', 'G']
from A to H: weight=6, path=['A', 'C', 'H']

>>> dijkstra(graph, 'E')
from E to A: weight=11, path=['E', 'B', 'A']
from E to B: weight=6, path=['E', 'B']
from E to C: weight=15, path=['E', 'B', 'A', 'C']
from E to D: weight=13, path=['E', 'B', 'A', 'D']
from E to E: weight=0, path=['E']
from E to F: weight=13, path=['E', 'B', 'F']
from E to G: weight=18, path=['E', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'G']
from E to H: weight=17, path=['E', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'H']



graph = {
    # from, to, weight
    ('A', 'B', 5),
    ('A', 'C', 2),
    ('A', 'D', 7),
    ('B', 'C', 2),
    ('C', 'D', 1),
    ('E', 'F', 4),
    ('F', 'G', 1)
>>> dijkstra(graph, 'A')
from A to A: weight=0, path=['A']
from A to B: weight=4, path=['A', 'C', 'B']
from A to C: weight=2, path=['A', 'C']
from A to D: weight=3, path=['A', 'C', 'D']
from A to E: weight=inf, path=None
from A to F: weight=inf, path=None
from A to G: weight=inf, path=None

>>> dijkstra(graph, 'E')
from E to A: weight=inf, path=None
from E to B: weight=inf, path=None
from E to C: weight=inf, path=None
from E to D: weight=inf, path=None
from E to E: weight=0, path=['E']
from E to F: weight=4, path=['E', 'F']
from E to G: weight=5, path=['E', 'F', 'G']